
Christmas Eve Worship Service

Tuesday, December 24th: 6:30-7:30pm

Come celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ! Bring the family and praise God in remembrance of our long awaited King through singing and hearing the story of the birth of the Savior of the world!

Thank You, Jesus! Sunday

Sunday, January 5th: 11am

The Radiant tradition continues! Instead of our normal Sunday Service, we spend the first Sunday of every year singing praises to God and taking time to publicly share what God has done in our lives, church, and community. Join us in thanking Jesus for all He has done!

Ephesians: Sermon Series

We will spend the fall of 2024 studying Paul’s letter to the church in Ephesus. We will see who God is and what He has done and is doing. This defines who we are as His people and how that informs our lives. The book of Ephesians will help us see and live in light of the reality that the Gospel of God’s grace is the singular source of power and motivation for us. If we are captivated and compelled by Jesus our lives will grow in imitation of Him as we walk together in Gospel Community.

Coffee with the Pastors

The first Sunday of every month is coffee with the pastors. After service, meet us downstairs coffee and pastries, learn about Radiant, and find out how to get connected in our ministries and/or gospel communities.