We are a family of servant missionaries, learning to be and make disciples.

About Us

Our vision is to be a radiant Reflection of the Gospel to our cities and throughout The North by being Gospel Communities who multiply disciples and churches. We want to see Gospel saturation across the North. We are not a church that encourages coming to sit and consume. We are a body of believers who seek to faithfully live out serving one another and our community because Jesus came to serve us and modeled that to us first. We believe that The Bible is God’s Inspired Word and as such it is our ultimate authority. This fact is reflected in how we seek to live our lives as well as in our doctrinal statement.

Gospel Community

Gospel Communities are a place where we can be continually challenged, changed and spurred on by intentionally bringing Jesus into the everyday stuff of our lives through the truth of God's word and the Holy Spirit residing within us. We believe that it’s clear in The Scriptures that being a Christian is not an isolated event, but is instead woven into the fabric of everything we are when we are regenerated by God through Faith in His work on our behalf. “GCs” encourage us to not be Sunday Christians only, but instead to live a life that revolves around Jesus day in and day out through abiding in Him and in constant relationship with His redeemed.

Sunday Morning Gatherings

Join us at Radiant Anchorage Sunday at 9am and 11am as we gather together for worship and the study of God's Word!

3102 Boniface Pkwy, Anchorage, AK 99504